Thursday, 26 May 2016

Julie's letter to Syria


Hi my name is Julie I am 9 years old and I go to Kumara School. My favourite sport is hockey. Hockey is a game that has a hard ball and a stick with a curl at the end. Do you have a favourite game or sport?
By Julie

Jess' letter to Syrian refugee


Hi my name is Jess and I am 9 years old. My favourite sport is hockey.  You use a stick to play it. I live by Kumara in New Zealand and my school is called Kumara School. I hope you have lots of friends. I am thinking of you all the time. I hope you are going to send back what age you are and your name.

 From Jess

Syria refugees

Room One has been learning about the Syrian Refugees.  Ms Hygate has a friend who is teaching English in Greece to some of the refugees.  We have written a letter to some of the refugees he is working with.